Committee Climate & Biodiversity Emergency

The Climate and Biodiversity Emergency Committee (CBEC) meets three times a year and was constituted to to ensure that the Town Council continues to implement the three resolutions it committed to in the Climate Change Emergency motion passed on 20/9/19, namely:


  1. To ensure implementation of the carbon-neutral roadmap established by the Climate Change Working Party in 2019.
  2. To promote the environmental grants fund.
  3. To seek ways to facilitate and encourage our community to reduce direct and indirect CO2 emissions and conserve and enhance biodiversity.


The CBEC consists of the following councillors:


  • Councillor Serena Austin
  • Councillor Lesley Banfield
  • Councillor Alastair Bayliss
  • Councillor Tom Bridge
  • Councillor Claire Matthes
  • Councillor Phil Miller
  • Councillor Conrad Waters
  • Councillor John Weatherburn
  • Councillor Terry Weldon


The Climate Change committee has no delegated authority from Full Council in respect of decision making however it is responsible for:


  1. Making full costed recommendations to the Amenities committee in respect of environmental enhancements to the Council’s assets, such as:
    1. Open spaces (Lion Green, Town Meadow etc).
    2. Public toilets
    3. Allotments
  2. Creating and keeping up to date an HTC Carbon Audit.
  3. For all other projects making full costed recommendations to Full Council or the CIL committee, this could include but not restricted to:
    1. Street tree planting
    2. Bike shelter pilot
    3. Public recycling bins
    4. Walking and cycling
  4. Other responsibilities:
    1. Supporting collaborations with local councils such as Witley Parish, Dorking Parish, West Villages
    2. Collaborating with and supporting local organisations such as the local Climate Collective (including LHWW, Transition, CRP, Community Energy)

Full terms of reference can be found here.

Climate & Biodiversity Emergency Meetings

Date Agenda and Papers

01 Oct 2024


11 Jun 2024


06 Feb 2024


26 Sep 2023


06 Jun 2023
