Email: jean.arrick@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Hindhead & Beacon Hill
Committees: Staffing, Amenities, CIL
Jean Arrick
Jean has lived in the Haslemere area for the past 30 years and in Hindhead for the last 20 years. She is married with three children who have all left home and are pursuing their different careers in various parts of the country and world.
She has been a councillor at either town or district level for the past 20 years and combines this role with a full-time teaching job in a local girls’ school. She is particularly interested in planning issues in the Hindhead area.
Jean was re-elected to serve Hindhead in the 2023 local elections.

Email: farzana.aslam@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere South
Committees: Planning, Finance & Governance, CIL
Farzana Aslam
Bio to follow…
Farzana was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Serena Austin
Serena grew up in Surrey and has lived in Haslemere with her husband and two children since 2021. Serena enjoys walking in the Surrey hills and visiting National Trust estates.
Serena worked as a Youth and Community Area Manager for over 15 years and has a strong passion for community engagement and would love to see improved facilities for young people in Haslemere and further opportunites for community engagement.
She is now studying to be a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist alongside representing the Nutcombe Ward as a Town Councillor.

Email: lesley.banfield@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere South
Committees: Amenities, CIL, CBEC
Lesley Banfield
A resident of Haslemere for 22 years, Lesley has undertaken extensive voluntary community work, including joint-founder of Haslemere Vision, co-founder of the Haslemere Fringe Festival and past Arts Director, member of the working group that prepared the Haslemere Design Statement and presently a member of Haslemere Biodiversity Group.
A qualified and experience urban designer/architect/project manager, Lesley is now a consultant with 35 years business experience working with councils, governments and the private sector on regeneration, housing and sustainability.
Lesley is passionate in supporting Haslemere, its community, future prosperity and wellbeing.
Cllr Banfield was elected in the 2023 local elections.

Email: alastair.bayliss@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor,
Ward: Haslemere West
Committees: Staffing, F&A, CBEC
Alastair Bayliss
Alastair has lived in Haslemere since 2013, moving here with his young family.
He used to work as an IT consultant, but now works and studies locally in the environmental sector. He is actively involved in promoting environmental projects, particularly transport ones, aiming to make good environmental choices as simple and accessible as possible. He is committed to making our community centres the best places for people to live their lives well. He lives by the adage; “be the change you want to see in this world.”
Alastair was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: tom.bridge@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere South
Committees: Planning, Amenities, CBEC
Tom Bridge
Bio to follow…
Tom was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: bryan.carroll@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere South
Committees: Staffing, Grants, Amenities, Finance & Governance
Bryan Carroll
Bryan moved to Haslemere from London in 2020 with his wife to start their family. Over the last few years, his young family has fallen in love with the countryside, fantastic shops, and sense of community that Haslemere provides. He and his family spend their free time taking their daughter and dog on the many beautiful walks around the area, and to the fantastic play areas the town provides.
Bryan has worked in the technology industry for the last fifteen years, and is a senior product research executive, focusing on online trust and safety for the last seven years.
Bryan was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.”

Email: malcolm.carter@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Hindhead & Beacon Hill
Committees: Planning, Staffing, Grants
Malcolm Carter
Malcolm has lived in Beacon Hill since 2001 with his wife Sandie and various family dogs. They have 3 adult children with 7 seven lovely grandchildren that they are very proud of.
Malcolm has been involved with many local community groups over the years but is currently a Governor of two local schools; St Edmunds and Woolmer Hill School, of which he is the Chair.
He is also an Advisor for 3 Counties Money Advice and a Trustee for the Hunter Centre and Chair of The Haslemere Ha’penny Trust.
“It was my honour and privilege to be Mayor of Haslemere in 2017-18 at my earlier position as Town Councillor”
Malcolm was elected to The Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: jerome.davidson@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Hindhead & Beacon Hill
Committees: Planning, Amenities, Finance & Governance, CIL
Jerome Davidson
Jerome moved to central Haslemere from Manchester over thirty years ago and soon after to Hindhead.
Jerome worked initially in the health service and subsequently in the petrochemical industry both at home and abroad. Retiring in 2013, Jerome was then able to be actively involved in the Haslemere community as a governor of Woolmer Hill and local charity organisations.
Jerome was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: jacquie.keen@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere West
Committees: Planning, Staffing, Grants, Amenities
Jacquie Keen MBE
Jacquie was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: claire.matthes@haslemeretc.org
Role: Deputy Mayor & Councillor
Ward: Haslemere West
Committees: Amenities, CIL, CBEC
Claire Matthes
Claire has worked with children, teenagers and young families in a variety of both voluntary and paid roles since 2000. She co-founded and facilitated Haslemere Young Parents (a free group for teenage and young parents) from The Wey Youth Centre from 2008 to 2012 and currently works at Tennyson’s Sure Start Children’s Centre.
All these roles have given her vital insight into the reality of the needs and concerns of local families and she welcomes the opportunity to work with the town council to ensure support services for families and young people continue and grow, particularly where there is identified and specific need.
Haslemere is a great place to live and raise a family and she wants every local family to have the opportunity to experience it as so. Claire is committed to promoting and supporting a cleaner, greener, fairer and more sustainable way of living and carrying out business in Haslemere, ensuring that the town is as good a place to live in the future as it is now.
Claire was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: phil.miller@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere North
Committees: Planning, CBEC
Phil Miller
Phil has lived in the North Haslemere/Grayswood ward for 30 years. Now retired, he has worked as a Facilities Manager in the Satellite Industry and more recently at the National Physical Laboratory.
He is principally interested in Planning and Highway issues and improving road safety and facilities in Haslemere. He is also an avid supporter of the National Trust maintaining the countryside around the area.
Phil was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: peter.nicholson@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere West
Committees: Staffing, Amenities, CIL
Peter Nicholson
Peter has lived in Haslemere for almost 40 years. Now retired, Peter previously worked in energy industries in scientific research, capital investment planning and marketing.
Peter is also a Waverley Borough Councillor and currently chairs the town Amenities Committee. His main interests are in the provision of social housing for rent and improvements in our local bus services, in particular an increase in mid-evening services.
Peter was elected in the 2023 local elections.

Email: john.robini@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere West
Committees: Planning, Grants, Amenities
John Robini
John was born in Woking, Surrey. On leaving school was apprenticed at the RAE at Farnborough and studied at Farnborough Technical College. After the aircraft industry declined he joined Surrey Police in 1972 retiring in 2002 but working as a staff member until 2016.
After moving to Witley in the early 1970s he became interested in the local community, eventually becoming chairman of Witley parish council. In 2003 he was elected to Waverley and was on the Executive for four years, holding the portfolio was community safety, young people, elderly and car parks.
John was married to Linda in 1971, and they had two daughters. When Linda died in 2000 John moved to Haslemere and in 2007 he married Jacquie Keen. In 2019 John was elected to Haslemere Town Council and Waverley Borough.
He enjoys gardening, photography, walking and supports Woking Football club, as did his Grandfather.
John was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.
John is also a County Councillor for Surrey.

Email: conrad.waters@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Hindhead & Beacon Hill
Committees: Grants, Finance & Governance, CIL, CBEC
Conrad Waters
Born in Yorkshire and brought up in Staffordshire, Conrad moved to Haslemere after marrying his wife Susan in 1989. A resident of Hindhead for nearly thirty years, he helped raise three children in the village whilst working in the City for first a British and, subsequently, a Japanese Bank.
Qualified as a barrister, Conrad also passed exams in banking and corporate treasury during this time. After leaving the world of banking shortly before his fiftieth birthday, he has now developed a longstanding interest in naval history and current affairs into a second career, being author and editor of several books.
Previously a town and borough councillor for Hindhead and Beacon Hill in the late 1990s, Conrad believes the role is about listening to local residents and making sure their interests are properly heard. He is particularly keen on protecting the local environment and addressing the challenges created by climate change. He is looking forward to talking to the electorate and addressing their priorities in the months ahead.
Conrad Waters was elected in the 2023 local elections.

Email: john.weatherburn@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere North
Committees: CIL, CBEC
John Weatherburn
John was born and grew up in Africa but spent most of his career overseas and has lived in 11 countries. He and his family moved to Haslemere in 1986 with his three daughters all educated locally.
Concerned about the natural world, John has dived extensively in the Red Sea and South-East Asia, crossed the Rub’ Al Khali (the world’s largest sand desert), cycle-camped across North America and from Land’s End to John O’Groats.
John believes that Global Warming is humanity’s greatest threat and that in a decent society everyone can believe, think, communicate and do anything they wish as long their communications and actions do not abuse other people. It is the primary responsibility of government at all levels to ensure that possibility for everyone.
For John the primary responsibility of local government is to do the best it can for all local communities irrespective of any affiliation at the lowest reasonable cost. Of mostly Scots descent, John is a staunch Unionist
John was elected to Haslemere Town Council in the 2023 local elections.

Email: terry.weldon@haslemeretc.org
Role: Councillor
Ward: Haslemere North
Committees: Planning, CIL, CBEC
Terry Weldon
Terry was elected to Haslemere Town Council on the 2023 local elections.