On the upper floor of the Town Hall, in which our offices are located, is our Council Chamber where all of Haslemere Town Council’s meetings are held. It is available for hire, and with far-reaching views of the High Street and good disabled access, it is suitable for meetings and private functions. It is frequently used by local organisations, community groups and individuals for a range of activities.
The Council Chamber can accommodate 20 people seated and up to 50 people standing. The building has a premises licence outlining permitted activities and operating times.
To check availability, place your cursor over the date of interest to see if it is available.
For private hire, profit-making events, profit-making organisations/companies and national charities:
- £11 per hour plus £50 refundable deposit
For local community groups, local non-profit organisations/societies, local charities and other organisations who can demonstrate a measurable benefit to the town
- No hourly charge plus £50 refundable deposit
We also welcome the public to come and view the Council Chamber. If as a school or organisation you would like to visit and hear about the history of the Town Hall, please contact us.
If you would like to hire the Council Chamber please fill in the online booking form below.
Conditions of Hire
- The Town Clerk may refuse any booking without providing an explanation.
- The hirer must ensure that one person is nominated as the “responsible person” for the period of hire.
- The “responsible person” must:
- Have available a working mobile phone – this is a requirement of the Council to ensure that contact can be made with the emergency services in the event of a fire or other emergency.
- Have read and understood the arrangements in the event of a fire.
- The hire is for the Council Chamber only.
- Fly posting for events using the Town Hall is not permitted.
- The person in whose name the booking was made will be responsible to make good any loss or damage to the Council Chamber or its contents occasioned by that booking.
- No smoking is permitted in any part of the Town Hall.
- It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the Council chamber is left in a clean and tidy condition after a function. Any breakages must be reported to the Town Clerk. Any additional cleaning which shall, in the opinion of the Town Clerk, be necessary will be charged to the hirer.
- The Council Chamber is restricted to a maximum of 50 persons and the hirer is responsible for ensuring that this number is not exceeded.
- The hirer is responsible for ensuring that all windows and doors are closed at the end of the period of hire.
- All rubbish is to be removed from the site by the hirer. Where amounts of rubbish generated are large, it is possible for the Council’s Waste contractor to remove this. There will be a charge for this service that will need to be agreed with the Town Clerk in advance.
- Nothing may be fixed to the walls or doors without prior approval.
- No alcohol may be sold on the premises without a licence first being obtained. The permission of the Town Clerk must be also be obtained and the evidence of the licence must be made available on request.
- No person under the age of 18 years shall be permitted to consume alcohol on the premises.
- Equipment may only be left in the hall overnight after prior consultation with the Town Clerk – the hirer will be responsible for insuring any such equipment.
- All persons under the age of 18 must be supervised by an adult
Key Information
Fire Safety Information
- In the event of the fire alarm /smoke alarm sounding or the discovery of a fire.
- Call the fire brigade immediately (999).
- Evacuate the building by the escape routes if they are clear.
- Should the escape routes be blocked by fire, await evacuation by the fire brigade.
- Assemble by the War Memorial and do not re-enter the building.
- Do not disperse from the War Memorial until instructed to do so by the fire brigade.
- Do not use the lift.
Escape Routes
- For the Council Chamber – use the stairs and exit via the front door.
- For the Council Offices downstairs use the front door.
Other Key Information
- The Council holds insurance cover for the Offices and for users of the Council Chamber but the cover is not included for Commercial organisations or Professional entertainers. These organisations must arrange their own insurance cover, copies of which need to be sent to the Council before the hire period.
- There are no kitchen facilities in the Council Chamber.
- The Council chamber has heating controlled by a remote control, you just need to point the remote contrik at the unit (situated above the cupboard) and press on (Do remember to switch off when you leave).
- The lift is intended only for use by those with mobility impairment. It is not designed for use with electric scooters. Those with mobility impairment must only use the lift under supervision
- Keys can be collected from the Town Hall during office hours. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 am to 3 pm. The hiring fee must be paid in full before the key can be handed over.
- In the event of an emergency, i.e. where a risk has been identified to the Town Hall, phone 999.
- The upper windows may be opened for ventilation. Do not open the lower windows.