Email: town.clerk@haslemeretc.org
Phone: 01428 658828
Role: Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Lisa O’Sullivan
Lisa is the Town Clerk and is the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer. She has overall management responsibility for the Town Hall’s functions, assets and paid staff. She is the officer responsible for Full Council, Staffing, Grants and Finance and Audit Committees.

Pippa Auger
Pippa is the officer responsible for the Amenities, Planning & Highways and Infrastructure & CIL Committees. She manages the Council’s three allotment sites and public toilets and deputises for the Town Clerk in her absence.

Jo Cork
Jo manages the administration of the town Hall office and also acts as the Mayor’s secretary. She is the main point of contact for all Town Council events and takes the lead on its social media.
If you would like to arrange for the Mayor to attend an event please get in touch with Jo.

Martin Wellen
Martin is the Project and Amenities Officer and is responsible for our Play Parks, Amenities, Open Spaces and External Contractors

Jo Burns
Jo manages the administration of the Town Hall office and supports other members of the Town Hall staff. Jo also deals with bookings for Lion Green and other public spaces.